Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis
This new four-volume major work brings together a wealth of valuable research on the qualitative research methods of grounded theory and its extension, situational analysis. Both approaches draw on poststructural developments in the social sciences and humanities, (re)situating these methods among cutting-edge approaches today. The articles in this collection come from a variety of disciplines, from sociology to science and technology studies, as well as focusing on a broad cross-section of issues relating to race, class and gender amongst others. Framed and contextualised by an introductory chapter, newly-written for the set by the widely-respected editorial team of Adele Clarke and Kathy Charmaz, the collection is clearly divided into the four thematic volumes: Volume One: History, Essentials and Debates in Grounded Theory Volume Two: Grounded Theory in Disciplines and Research Volume Three: Grounded Theory Exemplars Across Disciplines Volume Four: Situational Analysis: Essentials and Exemplars