SAT with CD-ROM - The Very Best Coaching & Study Course. 본 SAT 시험 대비서에서는 핵심적인 주제별 리뷰를 통해 고득점에 도움이 되도록 하였으며, 강점과 약점을 정확하게 짚어낼 수 있는 진단 평가를 수록하였다. 본 시험대비서는 수험생들이 원하는 점수를 얻는데 큰 도움이 되어줄 것이다. CD-ROM 1장 포함. (Paperback/영어원서/가로 21cm x 세로 27.5cm)
SAT with CD-ROM - The Very Best Coaching & Study Course. 본 SAT 시험 대비서에서는 핵심적인 주제별 리뷰를 통해 고득점에 도움이 되도록 하였으며, 강점과 약점을 정확하게 짚어낼 수 있는 진단 평가를 수록하였다. 본 시험대비서는 수험생들이 원하는 점수를 얻는데 큰 도움이 되어줄 것이다. CD-ROM 1장 포함. (Paperback/영어원서/가로 21cm x 세로 27.5cm)
Covers the basic in mathematics, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, division, averages, measurements, and discounts.
Get SAT “Street Smart” and master the new SAT the easy way! Our savvy SAT experts show you the way. REA’s SAT test prep features an in-depth subject review of all areas tested on the revised exam: Critical Reading, Sentence Completion, Writing & Math! The chapter reviews are packed with exam insights and test-specific strategies designed to raise your score. Build your test skills with REA’s 4 full-length practice tests. Each test is carefully derived from the most recently administered new SAT exam. Every practice test question is thoroughly explained for greater understanding of the SAT subject matter and format. DETAILS - Completely revised for the NEW SAT - Includes coverage of the Algebra II and the all-new Writing section - 4 Full-Length Practice Exams - Concentrated Subject Reviews that hone test skills and max study efforts - Thoroughly Detailed Explanations for all practice exam questions - Dynamic Diagnostic Test that pinpoints strengths and weaknesses - Harness Your Word Power - We take what you know and pull it all together for deeper vocabulary understanding - Packed with Test-Taking Strategies, Powerhouse Drills & Schedule Guidelines - BONUS COLLEGE GUIDE
A study guide for the SAT that includes content reviews, test-taking strategies, five practice exams, answer explanations, and diagnostic software to help students boost their scores.