At Midnight
"At Midnight" is a 2018 poetry and prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of the January through April 2018 issues of Down in the Dirt magazine ( The Coverart for this book is from photography by John Yotko.Writers and artists in this issue collection book include Adam Kluger, Adel Aaron, Alex Rezdan, Allan Onik, Amy Jo Huffman, Andrea Chancey, Andrew Hogan, Andrew Rivera, Anita G. Gorman, Ann Christine Tabaka, Anna Kander, Anna Lewis, Barry Hill, Bekah Steimel, Benjamin Selesnick, Bob Strother, Bonnie E. Carlson, Brandy Montilione, Bruce McRae, Carlos Frigo, Carolyn Poindexter, Cecelia Burto, Chris Niemi, Chris O'Halloran, Christina Kosch, Christina Lacourte, Clay Carpenter, Clay Carpenter>, Daniel David Sapp, David Lohrey, David M Jackson, David Spicer, David Turton, DC Diamondopolous, Deidre Jaye Byrne, Denny E. Marshall, Dominic Lim, Don Ray Crawford, Doug Hawle, Doug Hawley, Douglas J. Ogurek, Drew Marshall, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Bennett, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Eli Jacqueline Mary Wallace, Fabrice Poussin, Feston Altus, Gaby Bedetti, Gale Acuff, Gary Van Haas, Greg Eckert, Gregg Dotoli, Harvey Havel, Ian Mello, Isabelle Kenyon, Isaiah Granado Finley, J. Ray Paradiso, James N. Thomas, James Wylder, Janet Kuypers, Jeffrey L Higgs, Jeri Langert, Jim Farren, Johann Sam, John (Jake) Cosmos Aller, John Dorroh, John Paul King, John Zedolik, Jon Wesick, Julie A Martin, KB Imle, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kevin Grimm, Kevin Z. Garvey, Kristyl Gravina, Kyle Cisco, Kyle Donahoe, Kyle Heger, Kyle Hemmings, Lawrence Basher, Lee Conrad, Leonard Scott, Liam Spencer, Logan Lane, M. Griffith, M.C. Rydel, Marc Larue, Marc McMahon, Marlon Jackson, Martina Comorkova, Megan Mealor, Michael J. Harrington, Michael Miller, Michael Perez, Millard C. Davis, Mo myers, Nancy Zhang, Neil Flory, Olivia Keepe, Olivier Schopfer, Pam Munte, Rajagopal Kaimal>, Rajah-Nee Reynold, Rebecca Kelly, Rene Diedrich, Richard Bullard, Robert C. Weissenberg, Robert E. Donohue, Roger G. Singer, S. Clay Sparkman, Scarlett R. Algee, Shane Ryan Bailey, Shannon Woodard, Sharon Hajj, Sheikha A., Stefanie Bennett, Susan Marie, T. William Wallin, Tom Ball, Tyler White, W.E. Brower Jr., and Westley Heine t.Writers and artists included in this book are also listed with their writing at the Scars Publications book link (search for the book title in the books section at