CliffsAP United States History
CliffsAP study guides help you gain an edge on Advanced Placement* exams. Review exercises, realistic practice exams, and effective test-taking strategies are the key to calmer nerves and higher AP* scores. CliffsAP United States History, 3rd Edition, is for students who are enrolled in AP U.S. History or who are preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination in United States History. Inside, you’ll find hints for answering the essay and multiple-choice sections, a clear explanation of the exam format, a look at how exams are graded, and more: An overview of U.S. history with definitions, key terms, and concepts Advice on how and what to read about U.S. History to gain the most understanding Comments on sample essays and their possible score Loads of illustrations, tables, maps, photos to help you visualize what you learn A list of Things to Know for each period of history Sample questions (and answers!) and practice tests reinforce what you’ve learned in areas such as Colonial America, the New Nation, the World Wars, and the second half of the twentieth century. CliffsAP United States History, 3rd Edition, also includes the following periods: The American Revolution and a look at British imperial policy The Constitution and the Federalists, plus the structure of government under the Constitution Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democracy The Civil War and Reconstruction The Gilded Age (1877–1900) The Depression, with a look at New Deal agencies The United States as a superpower and contemporary America This comprehensive guide offers a thorough review of key concepts and detailed answer explanations. It’s all you need to do your best — and get the college credits you deserve. *Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product.