As Muslims, we have the desire to have a proper understanding of the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet. To understand the Quran we need the explanations of the Olama (Islamic scholars) in their interpretations. Likewise, to understand the hadiths of the Prophet, we need to study the sharh (explanations) of the Olama. If we want to understand the explanations of the Olama, we need to equip ourselves with proper skills in the Arabic language. Only then we can understand the structure of Arabic in the fields of Nahwu and Shorof (Tashrif). This book is meant as a guide to equip readers with basic passive Arabic skills to understand Arabic with the help of a dictionary. Hopefully, it can be a useful starting point in developing Arabic language skills. The main references referred to in this book include matn al-Ajurrumiyyah with its syarh, such as the syarh of Shaykh Ibn Uthaimin and also al-Mumti' by Malik bin Salim bin Mathor al-Mahdzariy who was taqdim Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'iy (rahimahullah). Likewise, the book Durusul Lughoh al-Arobiyyah by Dr. V. Abdurrahim, with his syarh by Husain bin Ahmad bin Abdillah Aalu Ali. Not to forget al-Amthilatut Tashrifiyyah who was commanded by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Saifuddin Zuhri. This book provides many examples in the form of sentences taken from verses of the Quran, corresponding with what is being discussed in the lessons. We also used hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and sayings of the Ulama of Ahlussunnah taken from their literature. In most of the chapters, there are exercises in the form of questions to practice. This includes exercises in translating non-characterized Arabic writings. Sometimes we added a mini dictionary to facilitate the completion of the tasks. This book originally printed in Indonesian language as title “Panduan Mudah Memahami Bahasa Arab (Dasar-dasar Ilmu Nahwu dan Tashrif”. Then, translated into English by Abo Abdil Aziz Obaid al-Holandiy. Jazaahullaahu khayran. May be some transliteration in this book still in Indonesian style.