Nursing Education & Technology
Educational technology is a systematic application of relevant technological processes and resources in teaching, with a goal to improve students' performance. It involves a disciplined approach to identifying the needs of students, applying technology in instructions, and tracking their performance. A thickly populated country like India where mass education is the demand of the time, only educational technology is advisable. Software programme like programmed learning material can make mass education easily available. Educational Technology possesses great potential for teaching learning process. It makes curriculum construction and selection of teaching learning strategies easy and also makes teaching-learning more effective. Educational Technology helps in improving quality of teaching by providing varied types of programmes through TV and other media. Educational Technology motivates children for learning. It augments motivation among the learner to learn by using various new machines such as video, computer tape recorder, TV, and other different types of projected aid. Educational technology almost eliminating the obstacles of mass instruction. Different types of programmes developed by different experts for a large population of students can be easily communicated educational opportunities accessible for all: It breaks the barrier of all classes of learners, irrespective of economic, social or geographical stat as and makes education available for all. For example, through mass media, TV, Radio, Film etc., it makes education easily available for all. It also serves as distance mode of learning. Education Technology makes provision for self-instructional materials, which provide opportunities to both the gifted and backward children to proceed at his own rate of speed in the learning process.