Doubling Farmers Income through Agroforestry
This book deals with importance of opportunities for doubling farmers’ income, enhancing farmers’ income, employment generation, improving food and nutritional security, enrichment of soil, air and water quality, enhancing biodiversity, aesthetic and recreational value, carbon sequestration and climate change and mitigation through agroforestry. This book contains 20 chapters naming introduction, policy & scheme, IFS, sericulture, lac culture, apiculture and economically important tree species (Teak, Gamhar, Poplar, Malabar neem, Eucalyptus, Sandalwood and Bamboo), horticulture/fruit tree species (Mango, Aonla, Guava, Coconut, Cashew nut, and Medicinal and Aromatic plants) based agroforestry system which gives higher gross income, net return, B: C ratio than open farming system (sole crops).