The True Face of Islam
In the wake of WTC and Pentagon attacks on September 11, 2001, we Americans search for meaning, with this senseless destruction, of human life. The media and our president tell us that Muslims are not at fault. We are given the impression that Islam is a religion of peace. Using the Koran's own verses, Mustafa Ozturk and Abdullah Ozturk reveal the truth about Islam. The Turkish American authors share the unbelievable evidence they uncovered, which resulted in their own loss of faith. They risk their lives to bring you The True Face of Islam. Before you reach the last page, you will have no doubt that Islam is an evil concoction of a religion. Master minded through obedience and terror, he left Muslim leaders the ability to control their followers. He grants permission and claims it is a high honor for Muslims to kill all non-Muslims, Jews and Christians in the name of Allah. Our goal in this book is not to offend anyone. We love all people. The truth must be known. Having been Muslims we have a special burden for them in our hearts. They deserve the right to know, they have been lied to all their life.