Analytical Nanochemistry
Analytical Nanochemistry provides readers with a comprehensive review of the application of nanomaterial in analytical chemistry. It explains the fundamental concepts involved in utilizing nanomaterials including their classification, synthesis, functionalization, characterization methods, separation, and isolation techniques, as well as toxicity. It also covers fundamental information on different aspects of analytical procedures and method development. Furthermore, it emphasizes micro- and nano-enabled analytical devices and instruments as well as nanotools for nanoanalysis. The book opens with a section on fundamentals (Section 1), then continues with a section on the role of nanomaterials in analytical procedures (Section 2), including sample preparation, separation, and detection. The third section (Section 3) includes chapters on micro- and nano-enabled devices, as most miniaturized microsystems include nanofeatures. The book concludes with a fourth section (Section 4) on future perspectives, covering nanoanalysis, bioanalysis, toxic risks, and limitations of both technology and commercialization. This book serves as a valuable resource for students, instructors, and researchers in analytical chemistry, nanomaterials, and nanotechnology investigating the use of nanotechnology in their analytical procedures. - Covers the synthesis methods, functionalization process, and characterization methods of nanomaterials - Uses numerous visual elements to illustrate key points, including flowcharts, process diagrams, photographs, and visual schemes - Presents fundamental concepts and updated hot topics such as miniaturization in analytical chemistry, nanotools for nano-analysis, micro total analysis systems, and lab-on-a-chip