Blueprints Q&A step 3
Detailed answer explanations, 200 brand new questions, and a handy pocket size make the Second Edition of Blueprints Q&A Step 3 Obstetrics & Gynecology critical to your success on the USMLE.Thoroughly reviewed by students who recently passed the boards, these questions are divided into different practice settings: community-based health center, office, in-patient facility, and emergency department.This must-have resource features:Double the questions - 200 clinical vignettes per bookQuestions formatted to match the current USMLE Step 3 boardsFull answer explanations for correct and incorrect answersIncreased number of figuresNew! AbbreviationsNew! Table of normal lab valuesNew! Shaded tabs for easy navigation between questions and answersNew! IndexReview individual content areas as needed and be ready for Step 3 with the Blueprints Q&A series!A superior resource for medical students, Blueprints Q&A Step 3 Obstetrics & Gynecology is also a valuable resource for IMGs, PAs and NPs studying for licensure exams.