The third edition of this well-received book is fully updated to equip the students and practitioners with International Accounting Standards in the form of IAS, IFRS, and the Indian Accounting Standards, Ind AS, and other related regulations for financial reporting and disclosure. Written in sync with the changing accounting practices the world over, this text book provides a comprehensive coverage of the core concepts and scope of International Accounting and their applications; added with a detailed discussion on the core concept and branches of International Financial Management which has gained significant importance in the globalized business world. This book also traces the genesis of International Accounting, and discusses at length topics like foreign currency translation, consolidation of foreign financial statements, accounting for price level changes, harmonization of accounting practices, transfer pricing, foreign financial statement analysis, interim and segment reporting, international taxation, exchange rate forecasting, and measurement and management of foreign exchange exposure. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Explains International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and its implementations. • Incorporates the latest changes in IFRS, including the new additions to the list of IFRS, such as IFRS 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. • Covers Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). KEY FEATURES • Comparative analyses in line with IFRS, Ind AS, and US GAAP. • Systematic and tabular form of presentation of discussions/concepts and ideas for better comprehension and clear understanding. • Large number of worked-out illustrations and examples provided in each chapter that too in a graded manner in terms of intensity to illustrate the concepts. TARGET AUDIENCE • M.Com / MFC / MBA / CA / CS / ICMAI