Collected Mathematical Papers
This publication was made possible through a bequest from my beloved late wife. by the author which United together in this present collection are those works have not previously appeared in book form. The following are excepted: Vorlesungen fiber Differential und Integralrechnung (Lectures on Differential and Integral Calculus) Vols 1-3, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (1965-1968); Aufgabensammlung zur Infinitesimalrechnung (Exercises in Infinitesimal Calculus) Vols 1, 2a, 2b, and 3, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (1967-1977); two issues from Memorial des Sciences on Conformal Mapping (written together with C. Gattegno), Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1949); Solution of Equations in Euclidean and Banach Spaces, Academic Press, New York (1973); and Stu dien fiber den Schottkyschen Satz (Studies on Schottky's Theorem), Wepf & Co., Basel (1931). Where corrections have had to be implemented in the text of certain papers, references to these are made at the conclusion of each paper. In the few instances where this system does not, for technical reasons, seem appropriate, an asterisk in the page margin indicates wherever a correction is necessary and this is then given at the end of the paper. (There is one exception: the correc tions to the paper on page 561 are presented on page 722. The works are published in 6 volumes and are arranged under 16 topic headings. Within each heading, the papers are ordered chronologically according to the date of original publication."