Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Transportation Planning for Megaregions
"Abstract: Planning transportation across jurisdictions is a challenge faced in geographic areas throughout the U.S. Researchers identify megaregions as the sub-set of major regions, often multi-state, with the most significant transportation challenges, opportunities, and resultant needs based on forecasts of shifts in demographic and economic trends, freight flows, and passenger demand. These areas present major opportunities for transportation to contribute to national, regional, and local areas thru improved global trade and competitiveness and economic development. This report explores innovative ways that metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are working with partners to begin to conduct planning to address the transportation issues of megaregions. The research includes a focus on how MPOs are working within their planning agency roles identified in Federal regulations to explore needs outside of their boundaries. This report explores the benefits that MPOs and their partners receive from participating in megaregions planning, as well as the institutional and technical challenges. The report provides insights on successful planning approaches for peer MPOs, their partners, and policymakers with an interest in advancing similar planning initiatives."--Technical report documentation page.