Reflections at Sunflower Farm The First Semester
Reflections at Sunflower Farm, The First Semester, is book one of a three part series. Love is afoot at Una College, follow Mary, Julian, and Madison as they test the waters of love and relationships. Drama, tragedy, and triumph abound as the good people of Una cope with drug abuse, death, new faces, promotions, and failures. Be there with Mary and Ed as their relationship grows and watch as the love they have for each other blooms supports them through tragedy. Read along as the plans the Dean of the school has for getting to the bottom of the drug abuse unravel around him. You can morn with the Una College family as they bury one of their own after a terrible tragedy at the school. More adventure and excitement opens with the turn of every page of The First Semester. This is the starting point for a class of phycology students trying to earn their doctorate degrees. Mary Horker their instructor has huge plans for her students this semester. She has enlisted the service of a school physiologist to help teach. The teaching is done at a local sunflower farm by telling stories from her past. Some of the stories are the student that committed suicide, the students that had sex at school, the student that was killed by a drunk driver, and more. Liz, the famous school physiologist and owner of the sunflower farm keeps the students riveted with the stories from the past. These stories are told to help them understand the things they will face as they enter the arena of phycology. Be there as plans for the future take shape and as sound of wedding bells begin to ring in the distance. With multiple stories, plots, and excitement The First Semester will keep you wondering what could possibly happen next.