After the Blues
"After the Blues" is a 2016 poetry and prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of the July through December 2015 issues of cc&d magazine ( Writers and artists included in this book are Charles Hayes, CEE, Patrick Fealey, Xanadu, Brian Looney, A.S. Coomer, Frank De Canio, Aaron Wilder (art), Jane Stuart, Shane, David Russell (art), Janet Kuypers, the HA!Man of South Africa (art), Donal Mahoney, DC Diamondopolous, Beaumont Sebos, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz (art), Bernard Otto, Uzeyir Lokman cayci (art), Don Maurer, Kyle Hemmings (art), Richard Schnap, Marc Livanos, Delilah Prosperousrose Mela, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Michael Lee Johnson, Wes Heine (art), Michael Ceraolo, Susan J. Rogers, Erren Kelly, Rose E. Grier art , JoyAnne O'Donnell, M. L. Thompson, Drew Marshall, Steven K. Smith, Lisa Gray, Nora McDonald, Donal Mahoney, MCD, Simon Easton, David J. Thompson and Cara Losier Chanoine.