Spanish-English Horticultural Dictionary, Revised Edition
Horticulture is a significant industry in Spanish-speaking countries and countries with Spanish-speaking minority groups. This dictionary provides an authoritative source of horticultural terms in Spanish and their English equivalents. First published in 1987, it is compiled from a wide range of horticultural literature in the Spanish language, both temperate and tropical. Updated to include new terms, it covers technical terms, crop and pest names and related horticultural, agricultural, biological and botanical concepts. The dictionary includes temperate tree fruits and nuts, small fruits, viticulture, vegetables, ornamental plants, hops, industrial crops, and subtropical and tropical fruit and plantation crops. The names of diseases, pests and weeds of horticultural crops are included, accompanied by their scientific names. The genders of nouns are indicated throughout, as are feminine forms of adjectives and the plurals of certain words. Descriptions of plants are given where appropriate and English names where possible. It is essential for researchers, students and practitioners in horticulture in the various countries and regions where Spanish is spoken.