Planetary Rent
The research monograph Planetary Rent as an Instrument for Solving Global Problems is by Professor Aleksandr V. Bezgodov, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and General Director of the Planetary Development Institute in Dubai, UAE. It is a logical follow-up to the humanitarian manifesto Planetary Project: From Sustainable Development to Managed Harmony. The second Planetary Project book focuses on the economic mechanisms of implementing managed harmony. The monograph spells out an innovative theory of planetary rent as an instrument for building a planetary budget, which would provide funding for addressing global challenges. It would lay foundations for a new economic system, which meets the standards of biocompatibility and the fair distribution of world income. A universal civilization would be created built on harmony between nature and society. Rent evolution and types are analyzed. The need to institutionalize planetary rent is advocated that would contribute to the universal unification of norms and regulations of resource management based on the principles of saving nature, optimization, equality and symmetry. Planetary rent is the next historical phase of the institution of rent in which its innate contradiction of excess income is removed. Several scenarios of global economic development are investigated. A model of the planetary economy is described that is the result of the transition to the biocentric paradigm of human activity and Sixth Techno-economic paradigm technologies. The place and role of planetary rent is examined in a new reality.