See this Sound
This new and improved double-volume edition of See This Sound - Audiovisuology combines two volumes in a single book and can be seen as a sizable contribution to filling this gap.The first volume, Compendium, collects information from individual academic disciplines and offers a comprehensive foundation of knowledge on the diverse relationship between images and sounds.The second volume, Essays, offers in-depth studies on the historical development and the theoretical framework of our audiovisual society.The entire spectrum of audiovisual art and phenomena is presented in 35 dictionary entries. Overarching issues are explored in detailed essays and individual works are represented in audiovisual documentation and scientific comment.The list of definitions and terms, elucidated by various prominent authors, ranges from gesamtkunstwerk, literature, painting, music theatre, animation film, light shows, music videos, sound art and expanded cinema right up to text-image analogies, synchronisation, electronic transformation and software.