教育政策論壇 第17卷第1期
研究論文 《教育政策論壇》15年(1998~2012)之內容分析/陳繁興、郭福豫、邱麗蓉 哈佛大學課程改革對本國通識教育之啟示/陳純瑩、李家宗、陳玉娟 私立大專院校創設支持組織與經營績效關係之研究/賴永裕、郭佳如、蘇仁傑 台灣公立中小學實施教師定期異動制度之研究/董保城、秦夢群、陳添丁 國際資訊教育政策趨勢之比較研究/劉修豪、徐新逸 本刊訊息 《教育政策論壇》第十六卷目次索引 徵稿要點 審查要點 投稿檢核表 著作授權同意書 投稿資料表 Research Article A Content Analysis of Research in Educational Policy Forum, 1998-2012 / Farn-Shing Chen, Fu-Yu Kuo and Li-Rong Chiu Harvard’s Curricular Reforms in General Education: Implications for Taiwan’s College General Education / Chun-Ying Chen, Chia-Tsung Lee and Yu-Chuan Chen The Relationship between the Founders and Supporters of Private Colleges and Universities and the Operational Performance of the Colleges and Universities / Yung-Yu Lai, Chia-Ju Kuo and Ren-Jie Su Examining the Proposal for the Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Transfers Program in Taiwan / Bau-Tscheng Dung, Joseph Meng-Chun Chin and Tien-Ting Chen An International Comparative Study of National Trends in Policies on ICT in Education / Hsiu-Hao Liu, Hsin-Yih Shyu About the Journal Call for Papers Basic Information of Contributors