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The Scientist Practitioner
The Scientist Practitioner
Here is the single most popular model in applied psychology and related fields--the scientist-practitioner approach. Topics include: a detailed description of managed care systems; a model of how to succeed in managed care; and offers program evaluation.
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Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior
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Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology
Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology
FUNDAMENTALS provides basic and balanced information for the study of exercise physiology for the undergraduate introductory level student. It thoroughly examines both the immediate responses to, as well as the long-term benefits of exercise. The book uses full color illustrations to enhance learning.
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Neuro-Ophthalmologywas developed for practitioners, residents, and students who encounter patients with disturbances of the afferent visual pathways and efferent ocular motor systems. It contains in-depth discussionsof neurophthalmic topics and disorders to help readers diagnose and manage patients. Each chapter includes an introduction to the structures or disorders discussed, followed by a review of their neuroanatomy, symptoms, and signs. A detailed discussion ofthe presentation, pathophysiology, diagnosis, neuroimaging and diagnostic studies, and management of the diseases which affect that structure follows. The book is divided into four parts history and examination, afferent disorders, efferent disorders, and headache to provide readers with thorough, clinically focused information. Repetition between chapters is kept to a minimum through diligent cross-referencing of topics, figures, and tables. Reviews of neuroanatomy andneurophysiology are based upon clinical and pathological observations in humans without extensive discussion of experimental literature involving non-human primates and other animals, making this resource excellent for board preparation. The examination chapter includes reviews of the neurological examination and the bedside neuro-ophthalmic evaluation of comatose patients, helping readers to neuroanatomically localize the problem and determine its etiology. Highly illustrated and referenced, this organized and uniform textbook bridges the gap between neuro-ophthalmic encyclopedias and neuro-ophthalmic handbooks containing tables, outlines, and flow-diagrams.
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Obstetrícia de Williams - 25.ed.
Obstetrícia de Williams - 25.ed.
O principal livro de obstetrícia do mundo há mais de um século, agora com foco ainda maior na medicina materno-fetal A obra que definiu a disciplina da obstetrícia por gerações de estudantes e profissionais está mais relevante e atualizada do que nunca. Obstetrícia de Williams, escrito pela renomada equipe do University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, mantém suas marcas registradas principais: a ampla base científica e a aplicabilidade dos conceitos na prática clínica. Esta edição representa o resultado de mais de 100 anos de raciocínio clínico e medicina baseada em evidências, enriquecido por centenas de ilustrações coloridas e milhares de citações bibliográficas atualizadas. Nenhum outro livro alcança o rigor científico e a acessibilidade do Obstetrícia de Williams. DESTAQUES -Seção dedicada ao diagnóstico e tratamento de distúrbios fetais, com destaque para as complicações intrauterinas -Ênfase nos distúrbios clínicos e cirúrgicos que podem complicar a gestação -Mais de 1000 ilustrações coloridas, incluindo gráficos, imagens radiológicas, fotografias e micrografias -Abordagem baseada em evidências destaca os fundamentos da obstetrícia clínica, com ênfase nos princípios fisiológicos -Diretrizes profissionais e acadêmicas atualizadas estão incorporadas ao texto -Mais de 3 mil novas citações bibliográficas desde a edição anterior
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Pain Management
Pain Management
Joined by an international team of leading experts, noted pain authority Dr. Steven Waldman presents comprehensive, one-of-a-kind coverage examining pain syndromes from a multidisciplinary perspective. A user-friendly, how-to-do-it format enables you to access specific guidance quickly ... and apply the information easily ... to bring faster pain relief to your patients. (Midwest).
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Williams Obstetrics, 25th Edition
Williams Obstetrics, 25th Edition
The world’s premier obstetrics guide–now updated with a greater focus on maternal-fetal medicine A Doody’s Core Title for 2021! The obstetrics text that has defined the discipline for generations of obstetrician-gynecologists is now more timely—and essential—than ever. Written by authors from the nationally known University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Williams Obstetrics maintains its trademark comprehensive coverage and applicability at the bedside, while offering the most current perspective of the field. This landmark text begins with fundamental discussions of reproductive anatomy and physiology. These dovetail into clinical chapters covering obstetrical complications such as preterm labor, pregnancy-related infection, hemorrhage, and hypertension, among others. Representing the culmination of a century of clinical thought, the new Twenty-Fifth Edition is enhanced by more than 1,000 full-color illustrations plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of maternal-fetal medicine. Features: Entire section on the diagnosis and treatment of fetal disorders, providing deeper insights into fetal complications in utero Traditional focus on the varied medical and surgical disorders that can complicate pregnancy 1,000 eye-catching illustrations, including updated graphs, sonograms, MRIs, photographs, and photomicrographs Solid evidence-based approach highlights the scientific underpinnings of clinical obstetrics, with special emphasis on physiological principles Current professional and academic guidelines are incorporated into the text and appear in easy-to-read tables Updated with 3,000 new literature citations through 2017 No other text can match the long-established scientific rigor and accessibility of Williams Obstetrics. With its state-of-the-art design and review of the newest advances and protocols, this not-be-missed clinical companion brings positive outcomes within reach.
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The Sacred Bridge
The Sacred Bridge
Of all the writings held sacred by the world's religions, only the Bible presents a message linked to geography. This is not just the location of religious centers but the experience of a people in its land, a people that has insisted on its God-given right to self-identity throughout the ages and in defiance of all forces that sought to deny it. All Jews and Christians who profess to find the source of their faith in these Scriptures look to the experiences of that people depicted in the Bible as examples and role models for their search after the Divine will and for their moral conduct among men. The religious experiences of that ancient people took place in relation to a geographical setting, generally a small postage stamp on the face of the globe, a patch of terrain in the southern part of the eastern Mediterranean littoral. The Bible is replete with geographical information, not as a guidebook for travelers or a textbook on geography, but often almost incidental to the message. Yet without the geography, that message is often obscured or vitiated for the uninformed reader. The present atlas seeks to introduce the reader to the geographical elements that can help to make real the social, historical and spiritual experience of the People of the Book. - Publisher.
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