Military Preventive Medicine
"Unlike 50 years ago, US forces are expected to deploy to the battlefield within a few hours prepared to fight. Borden Institute's latest book, 'Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment', Volume 1, explores the various natural and manmade challenges faced by today's soldier upon mobilization and deployment. 'Preventive medicine is inherently central to developing a healthy and fit force and in keeping the force healthy through mobilization and deployment--even into the postdeployment phase, ' said Dave E. Lounsbury, MD (COL, MC, US Army), Director of the Borden Institute. 'This book emphasizes often-forgotten lessons of the past and also provides a comprehensive approach to protecting the force in the current context of the US military's global security mission.' The book covers various topics related to preventive medicine, including a historic perspective on the principles of military preventive medicine, national mobilization and training, preparation for deployment, and occupational and environmental issues during sustainment. 'Volume 1 helps today's soldiers by providing invaluable information to educate their commanders and military planners on how good and bad military preventive medicine can impact on military operations and individual health, ' said Patrick W. Kelley, MD, DrPH (COL, MC, US Army), the book's specialty editor. 'It seeks to support recruiting the right people for the right jobs and to ensure that their service in the earliest phases of their careers is as safe and healthful as possible. We hope that the book documents lessons learned in a way that military medical soldiers can use them persuasively to convince commanders and resource managers of the need to place disease and injury prevention high on the list of priorities for support, ' said Kelley. 'Good preventive medicine is a force multiplier.'"--The publisher.