Implementing Primary Care Reform
Strong primary health care systems are the foundation of effective health care. Several countries have attempted to reform primary care delivery in the past few years, with variable results. In "Implementing Primary Care Reform" the authors examine the barriers to, and facilitators of, such reform in Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, from political, economic, organizational, and clinical perspectives. The authors emphasize the importance of primary care in improving health, increasing cost-effectiveness, and promoting social equity.Contributors include Marie-Dominique Beaulieu (University of Montreal), Raisa Deber (University of Toronto), Michael Decter (National Health Council), Cathy Fooks (Health Network Canadian Policy Research Networks), Brian Hutchinson (McMaster University), Antonia Maioni (McGill University), Nick Mays (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Bonnie Sibbald (University of Manchester), Barbara Starfield (John Hopkins University), and Carolyn Tuohy (University of Toronto).