Hugo Chávez y la resurrección de un pueblo
Los recuerdos del Comandante Hugo Chávez sobre su vida, contados e interpretados por él en público y a periodistas, intelectuales y familiares y amigos son los surtidores de estas páginas. Recorrido biográfico del líder venezolano desde su nacimiento hasta el 2 de febrero de 1999, en que asume la presidencia de Venezuela. Como afirma el autor: “Con este libro se nos está presentado el Chávez que la mayoría de nosotros no conoce”. Disfrute el lector de esta publicación escrita de manera agradable, que muestra las relaciones humanas que solo un verdadero líder posee, y la esperanza y unidad que regaló al pueblo de Bolívar y toda América, y que subsistirá en la historia. The recollections of Commander in Chief, Hugo Chavez about his own life, there are some pages narrated by him in public with many journalists, intellectuals, family and friends as sources of spring water. One of interesting travel into the biography of the leader. Its include incidents from his born to February 2nd 1999 when he assumed the presidency by Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Like the author says himself: “With this book, Chavez is introducing oneself that mostly of us, we don’t know anything about him, yet”. Enjoy the whole future readers with this publishing, that was wrote by nice mood, and show to us the human relationships that only a true leader has, with the hope and unity who gave to Bolivar People and whole Latin American, and will be live out in the History of Latin America.