Northeastern Brazil : The Dende Coast, Chapada Diamantina, the Marau Peninsula, the Cocoa Coast, Penambuco & Beyond
We travel to grow - our Adventure Guides show you how. Experience the places you visit more directly, freshly, intensely than you would otherwise - sometimes best done on foot, in a canoe, or through cultural adventures like art courses, cooking classes, learning the language, meeting the people. This can make your trip life-changing, unforgettable. All of the detailed information you need is here about the hotels, restaurants, shopping, sightseeing. But we also lead you to new discoveries, turning corners never before turned, helping you learn about the world in a new way - Adventure Guides make that possible. The author, a longtime resident of Brazil, is Latin America news director for ICIS, an international news agency. Comprehensive advice on the best of this region of Brazil. The best hotels for every budget, from beach resorts to country inns, restaurants, attractions and activities are detailed in over all the cities, towns and villages. How to enjoy the big cities safely. Shop-till-you-drop ideas for crystals, native handicrafts, Amazonian fetishes and more. The history, culture and music of the country are examined up-close -- to make your visit unforgettable.