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Prospects for the South West Economy
Prospects for the South West Economy
Prospects for the South West Economy : Second report of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written Evidence
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Budget 2009
Budget 2009
Budget 2009 : Eighth report of session 2008-09, Vol. 2: Oral and written Evidence
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National Curriculum
National Curriculum
Incorporating HC 651-i to -viii, session 2007-08
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Delivering High Quality Impact Assessments
Delivering High Quality Impact Assessments
Government is committed to conducting formal impact assessments of the need for and likely impact of new regulations. This National Audit Office report finds that scrutiny of proposed legislation is strengthening and that the standard is better than it was, but one fifth of assessments still do not include any quantified data to assess costs or benefits. The Better Regulation Executive (BRE) has introduced new guidance, templates and training to improve the quality of impact assessments and, as a result, impact assessments have clearer presentation of results, better planning for implementation, and more quantification of costs and benefits. But wide variation remains between the best and worst impact assessments. Where they are done well, the impact assessments include a clear statement of the policy problem, make good use of consultation and have clear recommendations. On the other hand, only 20 per cent of impact assessments presented the results of an evaluation of a range of regulatory options. Many impact assessments did not pay enough attention to compliance and enforcement issues. For example, only one third of assessments assessed the cost of enforcement for the preferred option. There have been improvements in the analysis of costs and benefits. In 2008, 67 per cent of impact assessments quantified costs and 60 per cent quantified benefits. Under the previous arrangements, the figures were 56 per cent for quantified costs and 40 per cent for quantified benefits. There is, however, still wide variation in the level of evidence provided and insufficient analysis in the weaker impact assessments.
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Draft Marine Bill
Draft Marine Bill
The Marine Bill was designed to establish a new UK-wide strategic system of marine planning to balance conservation, energy and resource needs, based on the principle of sustainable development and working with the devolved administrations. The Committee reports here reservations about the framework nature of the draft Bill. It was felt that too much of its policy is contained in secondary legislation or guidance. That there are significant areas of confusion of responsibility - between UK and international, especially EU, obligations; between devolved administrations; the many agencies and other bodies who will be involved in delivering the proposals in the Bill.
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The work of Yorkshire Forward
The work of Yorkshire Forward
This report focuses on the work of Yorkshire Forward, its use of resources (forecast to be around £360 million in 2009-10) and how the regional strategies it has developed benefit the region's population of over 5 million, especially in the current economic climate. Yorkshire Forward has led the development of three Regional Economic Strategies (RESs). Although developed by Yorkshire Forward it is felt that it is important that the RES is owned by the region and Yorkshire Forward is commended for its consultative and collaborative approach. It is important that full account is taken of the region's diversity and it will need to be ensured that this is reflected in the new Integrated Regional Strategy, but this should not mean that sub-regional concerns are put ahead of a balanced approach to the interests of the region as a whole and should not detract from Yorkshire Forward's original core economic focus. The Committee is also concerned about the impact of budget cuts and a reduction in funding on the work of Yorkshire Forward and they recommend that Yorkshire Forward's budget not be decreased further
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The 47th Civil Service Year Book
The 47th Civil Service Year Book
Published in association with Great Britains Cabinet Office, the Civil Service Yearbook is a one-stop reference tool for anybody working in, dealing with, or interested in any aspect of Great Britains Civil Service. It provides full details of all central and devolved government, their contact details, responsibilities and key staff; comprehensive details of all executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies and their affiliations; details of a wide range of related organizations, including museums, galleries, libraries, and research establishments; and improved research aids to make sure that this information is even more accessible than before.
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The new Local Enterprise Partnerships
The new Local Enterprise Partnerships
This report indicates broad support for the creation of Local Enterprise Partnerships as a way of addressing local growth. In particular the potential of LEPs to offer a greater focus on local economic needs, and build on the affinity between business, local government and other partners at a local level is recognised. Whilst it is right that LEPs should compete at certain levels it is equally important for them to collaborate, particularly with the Regional Development Agencies, where it makes economic sense. Local Enterprise Partnerships are being introduced quickly and at a time of greatly constrained public funding. There is concern that in the short term LEPs will need know how and powers and in some cases financial resources to make a positive difference. Government will need to be willing to devolve power to LEPs and in certain cases be willing to support LEPs at inception. If LEPs are to be a success, the Department's transition team will need to focus in three areas: retain RDA know-how, realising the full potential of RDA assets, and leveraging potential EU funding
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Impact assessments in the EU
Impact assessments in the EU
This inquiry was launched in summer 2009 in order to investigate the progress of the EU Better Regulation agenda. The agenda has been running since 2005 with the aim of cutting red tape, reducing administrative burdens and improving the legislative process by means of impact assessment. In January 2009, new Impact Assessment Guidelines were issued, which, among other things, introduced the inclusion of an "SME test", that is, an assessment of the particular impact any likely legislation would have on small businesses, to the standard Commission impact assessment. This report focuses to a large extent on the impact assessment process, in particular how IAs are produced, the role of the Impact Assessment Board in monitoring their quality, and their subsequent use by the European Institutions. The intention of this report is to take the views of various stakeholders in EU better regulation and to suggest areas where further examination might be necessary. It does seem to be the case that the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament are not making as full use of impact assessments as they might. Certain other areas have been highlighted where the situation is unclear and further investigation might be warranted. These include the conformity of IAs to the Guidelines, the production and use of IAs on comitology proposals, the adequacy of consultation exercises in the preparation of assessments, whether the SME test is working and the use of ex-post evaluation
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Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Annual Report and Accounts 2008-09
The Department of Trade and Industry has responsibility for promoting UK economic development and business competitiveness. The report sets out the work of the Department over the last 12 months. It also details the DTI's aims and objectives; business plans; departmental structure and management including human resources, ICT use, financial management and corporate governance.
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