Garbage In, Garbage Out
The 17 papers in this collection address aspects of quality data and quality of service to clients and the links between the two. Two keynote addresses are included: "A Plea for Quality Cataloguing with a Consideration of the Audience for Our Product" and "Rare Book Cataloging with the Audience Again Considered" (both by J. B. Thomas III). The remaining papers are: (1) "Towards the Extended Catalogue: Views from a User-Oriented Employer" (E. Wainwright); (2) "Quality versus Quantity: Cataloguing Standards in Times of Economic Constraint" (H. Hoffmann); (3) "The Use of ABN Cataloguing Data in the Supersearch Retrieval Subsystem" (L. Groom); (4) "New Opportunities with Local Systems" (J. Churches and E. Richardson); (5) "An Analysis of User Failure in Subject Searching an Online Catalog" (B. Barrett and M. Maticka); (6) "Quality In, Quality Out...It Is Possible" (H. Thurlow); (7) "Retrospective Conversion of Rare Book Records at the National Library of Australia" (P. Haddad and E. Jovanovic); (8) "Retrospective Conversion: Garbage In--Gold Out" (R. Hancock); (9) "Library Collections, Conversions, and the Whole **** Thing" (M. Nicholas); (10) "Planning for Retrospective Conversion" (G. Villaume); (11) "Retrospective Conversion: Options and Guidelines" (M. Nicholas); (12) "Retrospective Conversion: Is It a Con Job?" (P. Haddad); (13) "Designing Information Retrieval Systems with the Client in Mind" (L. Allen); (14) "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: Cataloging in the Age of Computers" (C. Schauder); and (15) "Garbage Out? The Quality of Library School Graduates" (C. Richardson and M. Exon). The program of the conference is provided, and a list of conference participants is appended. (GL)