Anna R. Glovsky Woolf Album
Photograph album pages titled, "The Memorial Gallery Album/Mrs. Anna R. Glovsky Woolf/The Grand Dame...," ca. 1976, with photographs (possibly copy prints) of her posing with many famous people, including movie director and fellow Maine native, John Ford, as well as performer Rudy Vallée, formerly of Westbrook, Me. Also includes typescript tribute to her life, and copy prints of obituary and poem about Woolf. Persons represented include Mordecai M. Kaplan, Abba S. Eban, Ralph J. Bunche, Simon Wiesenthal, Rose Fiztgerald Kennedy, Eugene J. McCarthy, Hubert H. Humphrey, Yitzhak Rabin, Guy Lombardo, Rudy Vallée, Edward G. Robinson, Jimmy Durante, Edward G. Robinson, Leon Uris, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Dean Acheson, Marian Anderson, Arthur Godfrey, Golda Meir, Rocky Marciano,