Signs and Symptoms in Pediatrics
Completely updated and revised, the second edition outlines the key signs and symptoms associated with a wide range of illnesses affecting children, from common infections to rare disorders. Each chapter provides essential information on clinical presentation, differential diagnoses, and management strategies, making it an invaluable tool for clinicians in practice. The book''s structured approach aids in the quick identification of pediatric issues, facilitating timely intervention and improving patient outcomes in pediatric care settings. This practice-focused resource provides must-know information and expert advice for confidently addressing more than 80 diagnostic challenges. Look here for the essentials on everything from abdominal, back, and chest fever, fatigue, headache, and heart rash, red eye, sleep disturbances, and speech and language much more. Coverage also extends to evaluation of mental health symptoms, including anxiety, depression, disruptive behavior, emotional disturbance, inattention and impulsivity, and self-injury. Contents Include: 1. Abdominal Distention 2. Abdominal Pain 3. Alopecia and Hair Shaft Anomalies 4. Amenorrhea 5. Anemia and Pallor 6. Anxiety and Trauma-related Distress 7. Ataxia 8. Back Pain 9. Cardiac Arrhythmias 10. Chest Pain 11. Constipation 12. Cough 13. Cyanosis 14. Depressive Symptoms 15. Diarrhea and Steatorrhea 16. Disruptive Behavior and Aggression 17. Dizziness and Vertigo 18. Dysmenorrhea 19. Dysphagia 20. Dyspnea 21. Dysuria 22. Edema 23. Epistaxis 24. Extremity Pain 25. Facial Dysmorphism 26. Failure to Thrive: Pediatric Undernutrition 27. Families with Functional Impairments 28. Fatigue and Weakness 29. Fever 30. Fever of Unknown Origin 31. Foot and Leg Problems 32. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 33. Headache 34. Hearing Loss 35. Heart Murmurs 36. Hematuria 37. Hemoptysis 38. Hepatomegaly 39. High Blood Pressure 40. Hirsutism, Hypertrichosis, and Precocious Sexual Hair Development 41. Hoarseness 42. Hyperhidrosis 43. Hypotonia 44. Inattention and Impulsivity 45. Irritability and Fussiness 46. Jaundice 47. Joint Pain 48. Learning Difficulty 49. Limp 50. Loss of Appetite 51. Lymphadenopathy 52. Macrocephaly 53. Medically Unexplained Symptoms 54. Microcephaly 55. Nonconvulsive Periodic Disorders 56. Odor (Unusual Urine and Body) 57. Petechiae and Purpura 58. Polyuria 59. Proteinuria 60. Pruritus 61. Puberty: Normal and Abnormal 62. Rash 63. Recurrent Infections 64. Red Eye/Pink Eye 65. School Absenteeism and School Refusal 66. Scrotal Swelling and Pain 67. Self-injury 68. Self-stimulating Behaviors 69. Short Stature 70. Sleep Disturbances (Nonspecific) 71. Speech and Language Concerns 72. Splenomegaly 73. Stress in Gender Diverse Youth 74. Stridor 75. Substance Use: The Role of the Pediatrician 76. Symptoms of Emotional Disturbance in Children Younger than 5 Years 77. Symptoms of Emotional Disturbance in Children Older than 5 Years 78. Syncope 79. Temper Tantrums and Breath-holding Spells 80. Tics 81. Torticollis 82. Vaginal Bleeding 83. Vaginal Discharge 84. Vomiting 85. Weight Loss 86. Wheezing