Created for Greater Things
Created for Great Things presents Mother Teresa's spiritual way through an appealing collection of her own writings, with commentary by Gloria Hutchinson. To all who knew her, personally or through the media, Mother Teresa of Calcutta embodied Jesus promise, Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me (Mt 25:40). The works of mercy were her daily bread. This woman, who her contemporaries recognized as a saint, understood the purpose of human life: to be Christ for others, to see Christ in others particularly those who, as she said, have no one to call their own. It is a goal worthy of a lifetime. Can we follow her life? Created for Great Thingsshows that we can. Her way is accessible and can transform our lives. She shows us how to live our lives with faith, love, understanding and responsibility. Like Mother Teresa we too can bring the presence of God in the world.