Skin Walkers: Bishop
#1 Amazon bestselling author of the Skin Walker series, Susan Bliler, gives readers what they've been dying for-- In the long-awaited book 3 of the Skin Walkers series, Bishop and Jenny clash head-to-head!What happens when Doctor Jenny Houlton hides her affliction from her Skin Walker mate, Bishop Arkinson? For six agonizing months, Bishop has been suffering. When he discovers Jenny's deceit and betrayal, he's too far gone to control his inner beasts. Ravaged by the one man she was meant to call hers, Jenny knows her own treachery is to blame. Now, her mate is spiraling from his attack on her. She'll have to convince him that her forgiveness isn't a ploy while owning her part in pushing Bishop past his boundaries. Can Bishop forgive Jenny for turning him into a monster? Can Jenny own up to what she's done? How do two people at such odds find the love they deserve? (This is book 3 in the Skin Walkers series. Since each book in this series focuses on a different couple, they can be read as stand-alones. Readers may prefer to read them in order for maximum enjoyment.)***Turning, Jenny took two steps down the irrigation ditch, praying her knees didn't buckle, when every hair on her body suddenly stood on end. It felt like lightning was about to strike. Jerking her head back, she frowned up at the sky. "JENNY!" She startled hard and whipped her head around so fast it made her dizzy. Or was that the malnutrition and exhaustion? She swayed and had to throw out her arms to steady herself. There, standing dead center in the road with hands fisted and broad shoulders squared up was Bishop. Every time she saw him, she thought he looked like a Norse God with his long blond hair gathered at the nape of his neck while his beard and mustache twitched with the angry tick in his strong jaw. Right now he looked even more like a deity with his gray form-fitting thermal shirt plastered to all those muscles that bunched and flexed under his labored breathing. Thick legs were splayed in dark denim over black leather boots while his bright blue eyes narrowed on her. For a second she considered making a run for it, but she had nothing left. Her tank was fucking empty and worse; her beasts were in her head now. They knew what she needed, and they were baying in mutinous demand to take over her form and give her what she so desperately needed. Turning to face him fully, she lifted her dainty chin in clear defiance, her dove-gray eyes sparking with challenge. Yes, she'd been wrong not to go to him, to tell him of her discovery and to ask his help, but it hadn't been one hundred percent selfish. She was trying to help all the afflicted women and Skin Walkers, and for that, she would never apologize. Apparently, the show of bravado sapped the last of her strength though because as she glared at her mate, the world rocked and then tilted violently. She hadn't even realized she was going down until Bishop yelled her name again before rushing her as everything went black.