The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design
A real-world DESIGN tool for sustainable design In this comprehensive guide, the world's largest architectural/engineering design firm helps architects, engineers, planners, interior designers, and landscape architects integrate sustainable design strategies into their work. Featuring twenty-four case studies of a variety of international HOK projects, it shows how, far from being an all-or-nothing proposition, sustainable design thinking can improve projects within the conventional constraints of budget, schedule, and market demand. It provides practical guidelines that enhance real projects, including urban planning, site design, buildings, interiors, and renovations. This book: * Demonstrates how real, completed, sustainable design projects are economically viable and increase client satisfaction * Provides a clear road map for the integrated multidisciplinary design process that is critical to the successful development of sustainable design projects * Captures the key principles of sustainable design in a list of "Ten Simple Things You Can Do" * Provides concise checklists of issues to consider at each stage of the design process,followed by detailed how-to guidance * Contains a detailed glossary of terms and a list of top print and Internet resources * Covers issues and design strategies related to site planning and design, energy and water conservation, materials selection and specification, and interior environmental quality