Criminal Procedures
Offering a detailed account of the "bail to jail" segment of the criminal process, Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication, Third Edition , lays out the essentials of this process. it offers an engaging, comprehensive, and highly teachable survey of the laws and practices at work between the time a person is charged And The time the courts resolve the offender's conviction and sentence. Instructors can continue to place their trust in the expertise of this quality casebook. It: covers in detail the " bail to jail" portion of the criminal process offers an extensive use of documents from multiple institutions, including: U.S. Supreme Court cases, state high court cases, statutes, rules of procedure, and prosecutorial policies provides a real world perspective that focuses on issues of current importance to defendants, lawyers, courts, legislators, And The public presents an interdisciplinary examination of the impact that various procedures have on the enforcers, lawyers, courts, communities, defendants, and victims is written by two leading scholars in this field, both of whom have practiced, taught, and written about the criminal justice process examines issues of race and justice in criminal procedures the Third Edition remains timely and current, offering: a selection of new state cases — all decided in 2000 or later — to maintain a current focus on application of doctrine a strengthened emphasis on professional responsibility issues coverage of new U.S. Department of Justice policies on charging and sentencing discussions on the impact of "Global War on Terror" policies on detention and habeas corpus in ordinary criminal prosecution