Abraham's Heirs
Emphasizes the radical difference between how Jews and Christians perceived themselves and each other in medieval Europe, focusing on the Franco-German region. The Jews considered themselves the true heirs to God's promises to Abraham. Christians insisted that because Jews had rejected the Messiah, God had rejected them, and therefore they were eternally damned. Jews were acceptable only if they were economically useful to the powerful, and as exemplars of what it meant to be not-Christian. That role, in good times and bad, shaped the Jewish experience and molded the Jewish consciousness. Inter alia, quotes Christian documents to indicate a prevalence of antisemitic Christian myths, stereotypes, and fantasies about Jews. The inequality of Christian-Jewish relations is described in terms of dependence, exploitation, terror, forced conversions, massacres, expulsions, etc., along with blood libels and Host desecration accusations, among others. Popes, lower clergymen, emperors, kings, nobles, and the lower classes were all involved, at different times and places, in persecuting Jews. Ashkenazi culture is shown as having developed in reaction to (and sometimes influenced by) Christian culture.