Mexican American Women
Although Chicano scholarship has grown significantly, research on women of Mexican descent remains sparse. This issue of Perspectives is devoted to Mexican American women, and examines the reasons of the lack of published scholarship as well as new directions and paradigms for research. This compilation of articles and essays on Chicanas reflects the continuing effort to provide a corrective to the traditional works and models that have obscured the roles and experiences of women. Readers will find them thoughtful, instructive, and provocative. Contents Beyond Machismo, La Familia, and Ladies Auxiliaries: A Historiography of Mexican-Origin Women's Participation in Voluntary Associations and Politics in the United States, 1870-1990, by Cynthia E. Orozco Beyond the Adelita Image: Women Scholars in the National Association for Chicano Studies, 1972-1992, by Gilberto Garc¡a "Faithful Hard-Working Mexican Hands": Mexicana Workers During the Great Depression, by Yolanda Ch vez Leyva Midwestern Mexican American Women and the Struggle for Gender Equality: A Historical Overview, 1920s-1960s, by Richard Santill Cooperative Re/Weavings: Astistic Expression and the Economic Development in a Northern New Mexican Village, by Mar¡a Ochoa Deconstructing the Corrido Hero: Caballero and Its Gendered Critique of Nationalist Discourse, by Mar¡a Cotera The Rearguarders Thesis and Latina Elites: A Case Study, by Isidro D. Ortiz