Reflective Practice to Improve Schools
'This book is a must read for teacher leaders, principals, and central office administrators. The authors make a substantive and powerful argument for addressing reflection at all levels of the organization and provide practical tools and insights to facilitate a comfortable transition from theory to practice. This book will be valuable to anyone serious about ensuring success for all students' - Stephanie Hirsh, Deputy Executive Director, National Staff Development Council, Oxford, Ohio 'I treasure this book. It is informative, well written, and important to educational leaders' - Robert Garmston, Cofounder, Institute for Intelligent Behavior, El Dorado Hills, California The authors explain reflective practice in a clear and concise manner and illustrate how reflective practice can enhance student learning. Readers will come away with an understanding of the potential of reflective practice to improve teaching and learning in schools.After introducing the concept of reflective practice as a set of skills and behaviours, the authors take the readers through steps and activities to establish an individual practice, reflection partners, small group reflection, and school wide reflective practice.Reflective practice is not only for individuals who want to take personal responsibility for learning and improvement but also for educators who gain greater communication between staff and community.