Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface
Table of Contents Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Concepts Methodological Individualism as the Economic Core of the Small FirmMarketing Interface, Brian Gibson Entrepreneurial, Market Relevant Strategies of Small and Large Firms, GusM Geursen and Jodie L. Conduit A Profile of Rural Women Small Business Owners: A Case Study, GaryMankelow, Bill Merrilees, and Hayley Gardoll Entrepreneurial Success and Marketing Strategy in Nineteenth CenturyAustralia: The Case of John Pottie & Sons, John Fisher and JohnStanton In Search of an Adequate Marketing Approach for Small Entrepreneurial Firms,Per Blenker Creativity at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface: An Investigation ofSmaller Firms in the Central Belt of Scotland, Ian Fillis Innovative Marketing in SMEs: A Comparative Australian Framework, DarrylCummins, Audrey Gilmore, David Carson, Aodheen O'Donnell, Ken Grant, BillKeating, Richard Laney, and Bill Pickett Developing a Competency in Contact Networking in EntrepreneuriallyOwner-Managed Small Firms: A Revised Model, Jimmy Hill and PauricMcGowan Temporal Issues Related to Marketing at the Entrepreneurship Interface: TheHigh Technology Case, Robert G. Schwartz and Richard D. Teach Characteristics of Successful Low-Budget Marketing Strategies for NewVentures: Analysis of Selected Cases, Stanley F. Stasch Teaching Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Unique Lessons, Challenges andOpportunities, J. Donald Weinrauch and Dennis I. Menezes Strategic Marketing and Planning Examining the Influences on the Owner Manager's Attitude of StrategicMarketing Planning: Towards an Explanatory Framework, David H. Demick,Pauric McGowan, and Sharon McCue Buyerpreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Capipreneurship and Powerpreneurship:Conceptualizing the Complete Entrepreneurial Construct and Its Relationship toStrategy,GusM. Geursen, Stewart Jones, and Rod Shrader Environmental Turbulence and Information Search Activities in SMEs: Does AgeMatter? Jianwen Liao, Harold Welsch, and Michael Stoica Normative Implications of the Relationship Development Process Within Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Geoffrey Stewart and Seung Bai Bach An Empirical Investigation into Entrepreneurship and OrganizationalInnovation-Based Competitive Strategy, Jay Weerawardena and LeonardCoote Establishing Credibility in the Absence of Reputation, MichelleWilson Small Firms' Views of Integrated Marketing Communications--A Perspectivefrom New Zealand Retailers, Kim Shyan Fam Effective Media in Malaysia: Industry Views for Small and Large Businesses,David S. Waller and Kim Shyan Fam Opportunity Recognition A Theory of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Development,Alexander Ardichvili, Richard Cardozo, and Sourav Ray An Empirical Examination of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition,Michael T. Manion, Gerald E. Hillis, G.T. Lumpkin, and Rodney C.Shrader Factors Affecting Development of Perceived New Product Opportunities:Licensing Versus Venturing, Debra Malewicki and Gerald E. Hills Innovation/Product Development The Evolution of Market and Technological Innovation Capabilities in SmallFirms' Life, Guido Capaldo, Luca Iandoli, Mario Raffa, and GiuseppeZollo Business Models and Market Development: Key Oversights in the RadicalInnovation Process, Gina Colarelli O'Connor, Mark P. Rice, and RichardLiefer Investigating Innovation in Small Firms: A Case Study Approach, KymCowley and Bill Merrilees Innovation Processes in an Early Entrepreneurial Department Store: DavidJones 1906-1927, Dale Miller and Bill Merrilees E-Commerce and Marketing E-Entrepreneurs: Marketing Driven or Technologically Driven? Marie-LouiseFry and Bill Merrilees Server Log Files: A Case Study of a New Market Research Tool forEntrepreneurs, Jamie Murphy, Charles F.