Challenges in the Classroom
I name this book Challenges in the Classroom. There are many challenges teachers and scholars face in the classroom room. Many teachers get so frustrated to the point of wanting to leave that profession. This novel is a helpful tool for all teachers, especially for new teachers, grades K-12. It offers many ideas or things to do to help you plan better and strategize when planning and preparing lessons. It tells you about the difficulties that teachers sometimes face in the classroom. The Strategies you use, will minimize the challenges or struggles you may face in the classroom. Teachers usually feel challenged and stressed because of a lack of support. Pupils are misplaced in an incorrect classroom. Because of overcrowdedness, scholars become overwhelmed, unattentive, and sometimes conflicts arise. Teachers are also overwhelmed because of the lack of focusing during a lesson. Many times, they have to stop their lesson, which causes frustration and discouragement. Although there are many challenges, there are also rewards. Some students have made great progress and become successful, and many of the young scholars have become productive citizens in society.