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God, Time and Stephen Hawking
God, Time and Stephen Hawking
Does the Universe need a Creator? This book examines the question of the possible origins of the Universe from the viewpoints of both science and religion. It argues that a scientific explanation for the beginning does not destroy belief in God. Wilkinson describes in popular terms the discoveries of modern cosmology. What is the evidence for the Big Bang? What is quantum gravity and how significant is the work of Stephen Hawking? He welcomes much of Hawking's account, which he helpfully summarises, but considers that the scientific story does not take in all the facts. This is a substantially revised and updated version of the author's God, the Big Bang and Stephen Hawking.
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The Gender Gap in Wages Over the Life Course
Using data tracking all those born in a single week in Great Britain in 1958 through to their mid-50s we observe an inverse U-shaped gender wage gap (GWG) over their life-course: an initial gap in early adulthood widened substantially during childrearing years, affecting earnings in full-time and part-time jobs. In our descriptive approach, education related differences are minor. Gender differences in work experience are the biggest contributor to that part of the gender wage gap we can explain in our models. Family formation primarily affects the GWG through its impact on work experience. Family composition is similar for male and female workers but attracts opposite wage premia. Not all of the GWG however is linked to family formation. There was a sizeable GWG on labour market entry and there are some otherwise unexplained gaps between the pay of men and women who do not become parents.
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A Short History of the Gender Wage Gap in Britain
After shrinking dramatically during World War Two the gender wage gap (GWG) narrowed again in the early 1970s due to the Equal Pay Act. The GWG has closed across birth cohorts at all points in the adult life-cycle but remains. Within birth cohort it rises to middle age before falling again. Among those born in 1958, the raw GWG was 16 percentage points among workers aged 23, rising to 35 percentage points at 42. Among those born in 1970 the gaps were 9 and 31 percentage points at age 26 and age 42 respectively. Differences in men's and women's work experience in mid-life account for much but not all of the raw gap in both cohorts. The GWG is a little larger early in the life cycle when accounting for non-random selection into employment but selection plays no role later in life. Policy options for closing the remaining gap are considered.
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Keeping the Barbarians at Bay
Keeping the Barbarians at Bay
Kenneth Allsop was a writer, journalist and broadcaster who in the 1960s and early 90s became one of Britain's first television celebrities. This book focuses on the last few years of his short life, when he escaped London to live in a 17th-century watermill in the secret, crumpled landscape of West Dorset. The book describes how the threat of oil and gas exploration in this protected area of outstanding natural beauty forced him to become an environmental activist, and his grassroots campaigning led him to the BBC's first environmentalist TV series, Down to Earth, and to a radical 'green' column in the Sunday Times.
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Introduction to Research
The Researcher's Toolkit is a practical rather than an academic text for all those undertaking, perhaps for the first time, small-scale research. Written by an experienced team of practising researchers, it covers the entire research process - from designing and submitting a research proposal through to its completion. This book is suitable for all researchers, but is particularly designed for those practitioner-based researchers from the fields of education, social work, nursing, criminal justice and community work. This fresh new idea for those conducting small-scale research comes from a team of practising researchers who possess a broad range of experiences and knowledge of research design, execution and completion. They write in a user-friendly style that those researchers new to the subject will find easy to follow and understand. It will act both as a roadmap to planning, execution and completing research and also as a dip-in reference guide. Using features such as activity boxes to highlight key concepts and short summary boxes to indicate fundamental elements of the research area under discussion, this accessible book will be of great value to all who read it.
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The God Pocket
The God Pocket
God wants to put a face on giving--and the face he has in mind is not yours, but his. What if you could take something out of your pocket today that would make God wonderfully personal and absolutely real to someone who, only minutes earlier, had been secretly calling out to God for help, for an answer, for any shred of evidence that He cares? Discover the incredible resource that’s small enough to fit in your wallet or purse, yet big enough to change someone’s life--starting with yours. In The God Pocket, Bruce Wilkinson tells you what that little something is, explains how to deliver God’s provision to someone in need, and shares how God is ready to reveal Himself through you. The God Pocket Prayer Dear God, Today I ask to be sent to show Your love and deliver Your funds to the person You choose. I carry Your provision in my God Pocket, and I am ready and willing. I am Your servant, Lord. Whenever You nudge me, I will respond! Here am I – please send me!
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