Xavier Guerrero, 1896-1974
Second number of monographic collection published by MUNAL dedicated to the life and artwork of painter, muralist and engraver Xavier Guerrero (b. Coahuila, Mexico 1896-1974), a key figure in the post-Revolutionary Mexican Muralist Movement. In 1921 he met Diego Rivera and worked as his assistant from 1922 to 1924 in the creation of the murals of the Escuela Preparatoria of SEP and in Chapingo, a creative period that strongly influenced his future career. In 1922 he joined the Mexican Communist Party and soon after had an intimate relationship with Tina Modotti, until he left for Moscow to study at the Leninist School. Guerrero along with David Alfaro Siqueiros, founded and directed leftist magazine "El Machete", the organ of the Sindicato de Obreros Técnicos, Pintores y Escultores (Union of Technical Workers, Painters and Sculptors, SOTPE), a cultural and political magazine that played a key role in the 1920's graphic arts resurgence in Mexico. In the 1950's he met and married Cuban designer Clara Porset. He died at 77 in Mexico City.