Under the Mopane Tree. Holocene Settlement in Northern Namibia
The main research focus of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 389 ACACIA (Arid Climate Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in Africa), established at the University of Cologne in 1995, was the interaction between man and arid environments in Africa (KUPER et al. 2007). An important part was played by the diachronic examination of these processes and their development during the Holocene period in Northeast and Southwest Af ri ca. A longterm aim of the interdisciplinary research projects was the comparison of the Holocene settlement history and palaeoecology and the identification of common and divergent developments in both hemispheres. The volume at hand describes some results of the project B4: “Palaeoecology and the Late Holocene Occupation of Northern Namibia”. Regional focus is the northern part of the Kunene Region, the Opuwo District (former Kaokoland), a region in the arid limits between the Namib Desert and the savanna of the interior highlands. Three different scientific fields – namely prehistoric archaeology, archaeobotany and archaeozoology – cooperated in the fieldwork and analysis to reconstruct the prehistoric cultures and environment in the research area during the Holocene time period. Unfortunately, the archaeozoological results are still missing and not included in this book.