The Desire of Ages—Illustrated
The Prolonged Struggle of Supernatural Forces for Creation’s Loyalty as Revealed In— Vol. III.—The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ — The Desire of Ages. Heritage Edition—Over 300 Century-Old Illustrations, 724 pages. This third volume—The Desire of Ages—covers the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the four gospels. This is the heart-molding story of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Seed of the Woman which was to conquer and eventually destroy the adversary of mankind—the serpent, the devil. This is the story of the central theme of all Scripture, the account of the life and ministry of the long-looked-for, and yet misunderstood and rejected by most, Messiah, Emmanuel—God with us. This third volume—The Desire of Ages—covers the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the four gospels. This is the heart-molding story of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Seed of the Woman which was to conquer and eventually destroy the adversary of mankind—the serpent, the devil. This is the story of the central theme of all Scripture, the account of the life and ministry of the long-looked-for, and yet misunderstood and rejected by most, Messiah, Emmanuel—God with us. Take time to meditate upon the life of He whom accepted into one’s life, transforms the mind and heart and promises to each repentant son and daughter of Adam time without end—eternal dwelling with Him who during His three-and-one-half years of ministry demonstrated His ability to deliver us from sin, and to wipe away all tears from our eyes. CONTENTS SECTION I. — AN OUTLOOK 1. “God With Us” ................................................................... 14 2. The Chosen People ............................................................ 22 3. “The Fullness of the Time” ................................................ 26 SECTION II. — EARLY YEARS 4. Unto You a Saviour ............................................................ 35 5. The Dedication ................................................................... 40 6. “We Have Seen His Star”................................................... 47 7. As a Child .......................................................................... 55 8. The Passover Visit .............................................................. 62 9. Days of Conflict ................................................................. 71 SECTION III. — THE ANOINTED ONE 10. The Voice in the Wilderness............................................. 81 11. The Baptism ..................................................................... 92 12. The Temptation ................................................................ 97 13. The Victory .................................................................... 106 14. “We Have Found the Messias” .......................................113 15. At the Marriage Feast ..................................................... 124 16. In His Temple ................................................................. 133 17. Nicodemus ..................................................................... 144 18. “He Must Increase” ........................................................ 153 19. At Jacob’s Well .............................................................. 157 20. “Except Ye See Signs and Wonders” ............................. 168 21. Bethesda and the Sanhedrin ........................................... 173 22. Imprisonment and Death of John ................................... 185 SECTION IV. — DAYS OF PROMISE 23. “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” ................................ 197 24. “Is Not This the Carpenter’s Son?”................................ 201 25. The Call by the Sea ........................................................ 208 26. At Capernaum ................................................................ 214 27. “Thou Canst Make Me Clean”....................................... 223 28. Levi-Matthew ................................................................ 232 29. The Sabbath ................................................................... 240 30. “He Ordained Twelve” ................................................... 248 31. The Sermon on the Mount ............................................. 255 32. The Centurion ................................................................ 269 33. Who Are My Brethren?.................................................. 275 34. The Invitation ................................................................. 282 35. “Peace, Be Still”............................................................. 286 36. The Touch of Faith ......................................................... 294 37. The First Evangelists ..................................................... 299 38. Come Rest Awhile .......................................................... 307 39. “Give Ye Them to Eat” .................................................. 312 SECTION V. — FALLING SHADOWS 40. A Night on the Lake ....................................................... 320 41. The Crisis in Galilee ...................................................... 327 42. Tradition ......................................................................... 338 43. Barriers Broken Down ................................................... 342 44. The True Sign................................................................. 347 45. The Foreshadowing of the Cross ................................... 353 46. He Was Transfigured ...................................................... 361 47. Ministry.......................................................................... 367 48. Who Is the Greatest? ...................................................... 372 SECTION VI. — THE REJECTED ONE 49. At the Feast of Tabernacles ............................................ 384 50. Among Snares ................................................................ 391 51. “The Light of Life” ........................................................ 398 52. The Divine Shepherd ..................................................... 410 53. The Last Journey From Galilee...................................... 417 54. The Good Samaritan ...................................................... 427 55. Not With Outward Show................................................ 434 56. Blessing the Children ..................................................... 438 57. “One Thing Thou Lackest” ............................................ 444 58. “Lazarus, Come Forth” .................................................. 449 59. Priestly Plottings ............................................................ 460 SECTION VII. — NEARING THE END 60. The Law of the New Kingdom ...................................... 467 61. Zacchaeus....................................................................... 471 62. The Feast at Simon’s House ........................................... 476 63. “Thy King Cometh” ....................................................... 486 64. A Doomed People .......................................................... 495 65. The Temple Cleansed Again .......................................... 502 66. Controversy.................................................................... 513 67. Woes on the Pharisees .................................................... 521 68. In the Outer Court .......................................................... 531 69. On the Mount of Olives ................................................. 536 70. “The Least of These My Brethren” ................................ 545 71. A Servant of Servants ..................................................... 550 72. “In Remembrance of Me” .............................................. 559 73. “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” ................................ 567 SECTION VIII. — THE CRUCIFIED 74. Gethsemane .................................................................... 585 75. Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas ....................... 596 76. Judas ............................................................................... 611 77. In Pilate’s Judgment Hall ............................................... 618 78. Calvary ........................................................................... 634 79. “It Is Finished” ............................................................... 648 SECTION IX. — TO THE FATHER’S THRONE 80. In Joseph’s Tomb ........................................................... 656 81. “The Lord Is Risen” ....................................................... 665 82. “Why Weepest Thou?” .................................................. 672 83. The Walk to Emmaus ..................................................... 678 84. “Peace Be Unto You” ..................................................... 683 85. By the Sea Once More ................................................... 689 86. Go Teach All Nations ..................................................... 696 87. “To My Father, and Your Father” .................................. 706 Appendix.............................................................................. 712 The Companion Volumes are: Vol. I.—Adam & Eve Through King David’s Reign — Patriarchs and Prophets Vol. II.—King Solomon Until the Promised Deliverer — Prophets and Kings Vol. IV.—The Times and Ministry of the Apostles — Acts of the Apostles Vol. V.—The Christian Era Until Victory is Unanimously Achieved — The Great Controversy * Supernatural Revelations Explaining Past, Present, & Future * — TRANSFORMING TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION —