Prevention Practice
The all-encompassingPrevention Practice: A Physical Therapistrsquo;s Guide to Health, Fitness, and Wellnesssuccessfully details the impact health promotion, health protection, and the prevention of illness and disability have on increasing the quality and length of a healthy life for individuals across the lifespan. Dr. Catherine Thompson along with eight contributors, all with diverse backgrounds in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and healthcare, present the fundamental health, fitness, and wellness concepts that are critical for providing preventive care to healthy, impaired, and at-risk populations as outlined in theGuide to Physical Therapist PracticeandHealthy People 2010. Prevention Practiceincludes screening tools for determining risk factors associated with common medical problems as well as resources for implementing prevention practice in clinical and community-based settings, including planning and marketing a prevention practice. Additionally, this unique guide offers suggestions for providing appropriate interventions (consultation, referral, education, resources, and program development). Some topics covered include: bull; Overview of holistic versus traditional medicine bull; A comparison of isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic exercises bull; Comprehensive physical health screening bull; Musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary impairments and developmental disabilities bull; Tips, letters, and ldquo;dorsquo;s and donrsquo;tsrdquo; for providing advocacy to those in need of guidance Perfect for clinicians, students, allied health professionals, rehabilitation specialists, physical medicine specialists, and recreation therapists,Prevention Practiceis a valuable resource for everyone in the areas of health, fitness, and wellness. Additional features: bull; Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance table bull; Lifestyle Behaviors Screening questionnaire bull; Pathology-specific signs and symptoms bull; Womenrsquo;s health issues bull; Risk of injury based upon age, gender, and race bull; Nutrition screening for older adults