Hinds' Feet on High Places
The Christian allegory, such as the classic PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, is a story that characterizes the Christian walk of faith described in the Bible. Restricted to a single meaning, the allegory features Christian virtues and sins as symbolic characters who have no real personal qualities beyond the abstractions they represent. In Hurnard's allegory, Flo Schmidt narrates the story of characters named Much Afraid, Sorrow, and Suffering as they journey to the High Places, where their weaknesses will be turned into strengths and their fears into faith. The Shepherd who leads them is characterized with a kind, gentle voice filled with love and hope. The personalities of Craven Fear, Pride, and Selfishness, who act as antagonists, are depicted with sharp, cutting tones. The testing of each character during the journey is realistic, and tones of joy ring out as Much Afraid and her companions gather memorial stones to mark their progress.