Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Pacific Islands Regional Action Plan
"Recognizing the growing need for information on how to better prepare for and respond to climate-related impacts on the nation's living marine resources and resource-dependent communities, NOAA Fisheries developed a Climate Science Strategy (Link et al. 2015) to provide a national framework designed to be customized and implemented at regional and national levels by NMFS Science Centers, Regional Offices, Programs, and partners. The development of Regional Action Plans (RAPs) addresses the unique combination of ecosystem conditions, climate-related challenges, capabilities, and information needs that will need to be considered to implement the Strategy in each region. The Pacific Islands Regional Action Plan presented here begins by reviewing the region’s current or recent climate activities and results, noting strengths, weakness, and opportunities. The second part of the Plan outlines directions for the region's climate activities over the next 5 years following the seven (7) research objectives identified in the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy"--Introduction. [doi:10.7289/V5/TM-PIFSC-59 (]