The Poison River
THE POISON RIVER is the gripping true story of an American set upon in a foreign country by his own government & his incredible struggle to extricate himself from his imprisonment for something he didn't do. Steve Raymond ran his incentive travel company with modest success in Bangkok before being abruptly arrested & charged with running an international sex tour business for pedophiles. The arrest was reported by the international press & caused Raymond to lose his business, his reputation, & whatever money he had which went to attorneys. Following a brutal six month imprisonment & against all odds, he was acquitted & moved to a holding cell shared by 150 men with a subhuman pecking order. Raymond was to be released in a matter of days, but, two years later, he was still there. While in prison, he conducted his own investigations into what was happening, maintaining his spirits by teaching English & assembling notes for this book. In what sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel, Raymond discovered the U.S. government was behind everything. He battled the federal government from behind bars - & won! A more compelling drama than MIDNIGHT EXPRESS." For more information, contact Peter Iversen, New Amsterdam Press, 945 Taraval St., Suite 245, San Francisco, CA 94116; 415-242-1011; FAX 415-626-5581. To order: 800-35-BOOKS. Quantity discounts available.