Our Way to Heaven
Prayers are very important. We pray to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, and our Immaculate Virgin Mother and saints to ask for help in our daily lives, forgiveness for our sins, as well as safety, health, and blessings for our loved ones. We also ask for prayers to reach those less fortunate and those who do not know God. Our loving God created us in His image and gave us the Ten Commandments as a code to live by so that after death, we could be worthy enough to join Him in heaven. Since mankind is weak and prone to sin, God showed his great love for us by sending His beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, a pure Lamb as a redemption for our sins. It is only through Jesus and following His ways that we can enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus proved Himself to be God by His many miracles on earth. But, remember that the Immaculate Virgin Mary, through God, received the Holy Spirit and was chosen to give birth and raise our Savior, Jesus Christ. One can enter Heaven only through Him. So believe in Him as God who made His Mother Mary second to Him in power on earth and she helps Him save more souls to be in Heaven with them. He made her first before He became a human being in her womb. Hence she was created without original sin.We pray especially to Mother Mary, who is a true mother in that she considers all of us as her children. She has proven this by appearing in many different countries and performing many miracles, most notably the well-known healings in Fatima, Portugal, and in Lourdes, France. Through her, being our Mediatrix to Jesus, She can lessen the number of years one's soul stays in purgatory thus helping one go to Heaven earlier to be with Her.