Animal Lives: Whales
Discover how whales interact, hunt and communicate in this interesting and insightful addition to the Animal Lives series. Sections on the different species of whale, looking after the young and echolocation are peppered with fun facts to keep children entertained. This series is a great introduction to the world of animals – where they live, how they grow and learn, what they eat and the dangers they have to face. Animal Lives has all the facts on your favourite ocean animals. Each title in this appealing series takes an up-close look at a different creature, exploring habitat, conservation and animal adaptation, as well as looking at the life cycle of the particular animal and the way the young survive – often against tremendous odds. This series also discusses the importance of protecting endangered species and their habitats.• Illustrated with stunning photographs • World locator maps show where each animal can be found• Additional facts provided in animal fact buttons throughout• Addresses up-to-the-minute conservation issues• Includes glossary and indexAuthor InformationSally Morgan is an experienced freelance author and consultant, writing mostly children's non-fiction books on natural history, environment, sciences and geography. She has written more than 250 titles to date.