Bibliography of Preservation Literature, 1983-1996
Preservation encompasses both the prevention of damage and conservation -- the physical treatment of damaged objects. Deteriorating books, environmental control, building maintenance, housekeeping and storage, electronic systems, security, and disaster planning and recovery are some of the concerns faced by preservation managers. Consequently, collaboration between collection management, conservators, and scientists is essential to successfully safeguarding materials. The Bibliography of Preservation Literature, 1983-1996, highlights the organizations and other resources that will assist in all aspects of collection preservation; from protective wrappers to magnetic media to acquisition and organization. Professional organizations such as the American Library Association, the Society of American Archivists, the Guild Book Workers, and the Association of Moving Image Archivists are cited. While not shying away from controversial issues, the comprehensive volume addresses the pragmatic concerns of modern collection preservation. Provides access to the best strategies and advice available today in an organized, easily accessible format.