Emergency Orthopedics, Sixth Edition
The most widely used clinical reference for physicians treating patients with acute orthopedic injuries or disorders – now with full-color photographs and illustrations Emergency Orthopedics offers authoritative evidence-based information in a practical and clinically useful manner. Whether you’re seeking a quick answer to an anatomical question or confirming a diagnosis, Emergency Orthopedics has everything you need to know about the mechanisms of musculoskeletal injuries, along with recommended imaging studies, treatment guidelines, and possible complications. The sixth edition represents a major rewrite of the text. A new section on spinal injuries and disorders is included. The text is logically divided into four parts: Orthopedic Principles and Management, The Spine, Upper Extremities, and Lower Extremities. A unique appendix provides a figure showing each bone and every possible fracture with the page number where all the key features related to that fracture are covered succinctly and practically. Features 900 illustrations, including NEW full-color clinical photographs and illustrations and half-tone radiographic images Fractures are categorized according to degree of complexity, treatment modality, and prognosis – a system most relevant to the emergency physician A fracture index provides a rapid method for the busy physician to navigate the text and find pertinent information Axioms throughout the text serve as rules by which the emergency physician should practice