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Neurología Clínica, 2 vols. + e-dition
Neurología Clínica, 2 vols. + e-dition
Nueva edición de la obra de referencia en neurología, que incluye todo lo relacionado con la neurociencia clínica y ofrece no sólo una descripción de las enfermedades neurológicas y su fisiopatología, sino también un método práctico para su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Esta 5.a edición presenta un novedoso diseño a todo color, incluyendo un gran número de nuevas tablas, figuras e imágenes radiográficas, todo ello estructurado muy racionalmente para que la lectura y localización de la información sea lo más asequible posible. Para esta edición se ha reescrito completamente el texto y casi una quinta parte de los capítulos han sido preparados por autores nuevos en el cuadro de colaboradores. En la sección de 'Neurofisiología Clínica' se incluyen dos nuevos subcapítulos, que abordan la estimulación magnética transcraneal, que refleja los últimos avances en el campo de la clínica. La obra analiza los avances derivados del florecimiento de la neurociencia, especialmente en la disciplina de neurogenética, en la cual se describe cómo la investigación en la regeneración del sistema nervioso y la biología de las células madre empieza a ser una esperanza para la recuperación y el tratamiento de procesos neurológicos degenerativos. Igualmente, aborda los avances producidos en otras áreas, como la neuroinmunología, neuroimagen y neurofisiología, con lo cual esta edición se convierte en un tratado completo, actualizado y fiel reflejo de la situación actual de la disciplina. Los avances en neurofarmacología han fomentado el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos y ensayos terapéuticos, con una mayor confianza en la medicina basada en la evidencia. También ahora se están aplicando a la neurocirugía métodos rigurosos al diseño y la realización de ensayos clínicos, incluido el uso de controles de referencia. Incorpora la e-dition (acceso a, en la que se encuentra disponible todo el contenido de ambos volúmenes, todas las imágenes, así como imágenes adicionales y material de audio y vídeo. Se actualiza periódicamente con minirrevisiones de importantes publicaciones, nuevas en la literatura neurológica. Esta nueva edición de la obra de referencia en neurología, es un fiel reflejo de la situación actual de la disciplina.Contiene un novedoso diseño a todo color, que incluye todo lo relacionado con la neurociencia clínica y una descripción de las enfermedades neurológicas y su fisiopatología, así como un método práctico para su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Tratado completo y totalmente actualizado, refleja los avances derivados del florecimiento de la neurociencia, especialmente en la disciplina de neurogenética y en otras áreas como la neuroinmunología, neuroimagen y neurofisiología. Además, incorpora la e-dition (acceso a, en la que se encuentra disponible todo el contenido de ambos volúmenes, todas las imágenes y los materiales adicionales de audio y vídeo. Gracias a este recurso online, la obra se actualiza periódicamente con minirrevisiones de importantes publicaciones, nuevas en la literatura neurológica.
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Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity
Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity
This book presents a new methodology for the study of ancient Jewish literature extant in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. It arises from empirical investigation into the literary structures of many anonymous and pseudepigraphic sources, including Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha of the Old Testament, the larger Dead Sea Scrolls, Midrash, and the Talmuds.
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Taylor's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges
Taylor's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges
Primary care physicians in the U.S. and abroad widely trust and use Dr. Robert Taylor's acclaimed "Family Medicine: Principles and Practice, 6/E". This derivative handbook capitalizes on that success to address clinical problems that pose diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for primary care physicians. Chapters cover the diagnosis of a multitude of difficult diseases and disorders, including diabetes mellitus, fatigue, and chronic pain. The etiology of the conditions is also highlighted to help physicians select the most effective therapeutic courses of treatment. Contributors to the text include some of the most prestigious names in the field.
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Essentials of Psychiatry
Essentials of Psychiatry
Revised and updated to incorporate the latest research findings, this economical paperback abridgement of the Textbook presents, in distilled form, the core knowledge base of clinical psychiatry by focusing on information of greatest relevance to the practicing clinician.
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Foreign Policy in Iran and Saudi Arabia
Foreign Policy in Iran and Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, with its US alliance and abundance of oil dollars, has a very different economic story to that of Iran, which despite enormous natural gas reserves, has been hit hard by economic, trade, scientific and military sanctions since its 1979 revolution. Robert Mason looks at the effect that economic considerations (such as oil, gas, sanctions, trade and investment) have had on foreign policy decision-making processes and diplomatic activities. By examining the foreign policies of Saudi Arabia and Iran towards each other, and towards the wider Middle East and beyond, Mason seeks to highlight how oil policy, including oil production, pricing and security of supply and demand, is the paramount economic factor which drives the diplomacy and rivalry of these two pivotal regional powers. His book thus offers vital analysis for researchers of international relations in the Middle East and the processes involved in the formation of foreign policy.
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Rethinking AIDS
Rethinking AIDS
The author reviews the entire existing corpus of AIDS research, strongly challenging the HIV hypothesis. Deconstructing the conventional wisdom about AIDS, he then presents alternative "multifactorial" models, which view the disease as resulting from numerous synergistic - but controllable - insults to the immune system - HIV, but also drug use, anal exposure to semen, malnutrition, microbial infections - and autoimmune models, in which these insults initiate a civil war within the immune system itself.
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Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review
Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review
Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, this book is a comprehensive review for the American Board of Family Medicine certification and recertification exams. It contains over 1,800 board-format questions, including over 1,000 multiple-choice questions from the major subject areas of family medicine and over 700 questions drawn from 60 clinical problem sets. The book includes a pictorial atlas of clinical photographs, radiographs, and lab smears, with questions regarding these images. Detailed answers and explanations follow the questions. This book includes AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM sponsored by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. A companion website includes four practice exams. The website also offers an iPod downloadable audio companion with 120 facts from Bratton's 1000 Facts to Help You Pass the Family Medicine Boards book, with an option to buy more.
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Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Despite the rapid advances in medical science, the majority of people who visit a doctor have medically unexplained symptoms (MUS), symptoms that remain a mystery despite extensive diagnostic studies. The most common MUS are back pain, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, and dizziness. This book addresses the obstacles of managing people with MUS in our modern day society from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Most MUS are psychosomatic in origin, caused by a complex interaction between nature and nurture, between biological and psychosocial factors. Psychosomatic symptoms are as real and as severe as the symptoms associated with structural damage to the brain. Unique and concise, the book explores the biological and psychosocial mechanisms, the clinical features, and current and future treatments of common MUS. Exploring the unsolved in an accessible manner, Medically Unexplained Symptoms invokes the methodologies of medical science, history, and sociology to investigate how brain flaws can lead to debilitating symptoms.
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Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review
Bratton's Family Medicine Board Review
Prepare for your ABFM boards - find your weak spots and eliminate them now! Handy in print and as an eBook, Bratton’s Family Medicine Board Review is the essential practice test for those facing the ABFM exams. Opening with the basic requirements of the ABFM Board certification process, it provides crucial background information on all three AFBM exams and their formats, describes a typical exam day, and offers excellent test-taking advice—taking the mystery out of the exam process.
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